演技経験のない4人の女性たちがロカルノ国際映画祭で最優秀女優賞を受賞し話題となった本作は、市民参加による「即興演技ワークショップ in Kobe」から誕生した。ほとんどの登場人物を演技未経験者がつとめ、総尺5時間17分の大作となった『ハッピーアワー』。これまでにない試みで映画をつくりあげたのは、映画学校の生徒たちを起用した4時間を超える大作『親密さ』や、トータル7時間を超える東北記録映画三部作(『なみのおと』『なみのこえ』『うたうひと』)など、常に挑発的な作品づくりを続けてきた濱口竜介。また蜷川幸雄作品の劇音楽を数々手がけてきた阿部海太郎の音楽も映画を彩る
This film, which gathered public attention by four actresses who had never acted before together won the best actress award at Locarno International Film Festival, was created through the citizen participation workshop called “Improvisation Acting Workshop in Kobe”. “Happy Hour” became a 5hours17minutes-length-film, in which most of the roles were played by little-experienced actors.
Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI has always made challenging films such as “Intimacies(Shinmitsu-sa)”, a 4hours-length-movie which used students of film school for all the roles, and Tohoku Documentary Trilogy “The Sound of the Waves(Nami-no-oto)”, “Voices from the Waves(Nami-no-koe)” and “Storytellers(Utau-hito)”, a series of films that runs for more than 7 hours alltogher.
Music of Umitaro ABE who was responsible for the music in Yukio NINAGAWA stages also colors the film.
Setting four women in their late thirties as leading characters and carefully focusing their individual families, careers, and relationships, Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI perfectly expresses “ordinary” anxieties and worries of women as a tense drama.
Am I the person whom I really wanted to be? Do I fully put my real feelings into words?
Each word of them, coming out slowly and with hesitation, drives thrilling excitements.
It is a must-see film that produced a very big sensation in Locarno!
11/10, 11「PORTO」で観る、語り合う「ハッピーアワー」開催
Blu-ray Disc発売イベント詳細
Published Online Articles
Many people are talking about "Happy hour" !
We've gathered those articles for you to enjoy and know more about our film.
Screening and talk at 'Porto'
Release in Portugal
Screenings and talk event in Tottori
Special screenings of Hamaguchi's early works celebrating the opening of "Asako Iⅈ"
Blu-ray disc release event
Published Online Articles
Many people are talking about "Happy hour" !
We've gathered those articles for you to enjoy and know more about our film.